What better way to spend a freezing day than in a beautiful Inn shooting with gorgeous people and bridal accessories. The contributors to this styled shoot were: Location: The Herrington Inn and Spa Flowers: Lemondrop Designery Gowns: The Dress by Nicole Hair: Tangles and our model was the lovely Melanie.

What a great way to start out 2013! The first weekend of the year I get to shoot with an awesome couple in GA, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Joanna and Jonathan have such a cool story. Starting with going to the exact same event years ago, being in the exact same picture, and never […]

Is it just me, or do you like looking at ‘getting ready’ pictures too? I love shooting the time right before ‘real’ pictures. The bride is preparing to see her man, and there are so many emotions going on.   I was a bride not so long ago, and I remember what it feels like. Excitement, anticipation, eagerness, […]

 I’m giving you warning, what you’re about to see might be too beautiful for your eyes to handle. These portraits are of a lovely lady named Jessica. I’m always happy when my Jessica Shae bff comes in town and we get to hang out. And what do photographer friends do when they ‘hang out’? Well […]

Ok, here’s the rest of Katie and Paul’s lifestyle shoot! Katie had wanted me to do a “sweetheart” shoot for her back in February but she then decided that she actually wanted Paul to be in the pictures with her, and to make a fun date of it. So I’ve been looking forward to this […]

 Very excited to share this life-style shoot with you all! Katie and Paul are so fun, and quadruple the fun together. More images coming to a blog near you! ~Like my work on Facebook~Contact me about shooting~Follow me on Twitter~  Share

Awhile back I did a post dedicated to who I like to call “the show stealers”, you can read it here. It’s been  almost a year since the last one so it’s time for the next installment.  Let me just say, the kids I got to shoot with this year were, and are a.dor.a.ble! Hope […]

 Wow, wow, wow and ect. wows… This year has been so amazing!  I can’t even say what a blessed girl I am. Every year I like to do a little “year in review” for this blog. So here is a recap of 2011! I obviously won’t get everything but you’ll get the general idea. I […]

 I’ve never done this before, but I want to have an day after Thanksgiving sale too! I am giving this deal to the first three 2012 brides that contact me. (“Early bride” sale!…sorry, lame.)  You read that right! Two hundred dollars off! Maybe you’re not getting married but a friend or family member is? Helping […]

I was so happy when I heard Hannah wanted me to shoot her senior portraits! She’s a lovely person inside and out and I knew we would have tons of fun. Anyone that knows Hannah knows she has this charisma for life and it’s contagious. She is a very passionate person but she’s not overwhelming, […]