I met Shannon when I was over in the French Alps. She was so friendly and easy to get to know! She is also a photographer and we all know what that means….she never gets to be on the front side of the camera. I thought we should change that for the day. At first […]

Well I hope you all had a beautifully wonderful Christmas. I did! Crazy, yes I know. I went up to northern Minnesota with the family and we had a great time. Long and intense games of Settlers of Catan, AMAZING food that only grandmas can make and  snowmobile racing with cousins. This was my first […]

May I introduce you to the Hougland family! It’s made up of fun, smart, good looking people and I had a blast hanging out with them for the afternoon! If you’ve been following my blog at all you’ll remember this beautiful girl from an earlier post. Elizabeth is the oldest and there are seven more […]

Okay, I met Tiara when I was over in France, and she is one of the most bubbly, fun, energetic people you will ever meet! I’m not just saying that, she really is so much fun! If I didn’t have six other shoots scheduled for that day, I would have loved to just hang out […]

I met Leah back in ’04, at the time never imagining that one day she would be one of my best friends. I would dare to say our friendship is a little unusual in the fact that we are almost exactly ten years apart in age. Putting all unusualness aside, I’m thankful God brought Leah […]

Tis the season to book your 2010 wedding photographer! Okay, I’m not quite sure where ’09 went but it’s coming to a close very soonish. I’ve been looking (with great anticipation) at my calendar for next year and the weekends are already starting to fill up! I’m so excited about working with all my brides […]

So I made it back to the good ol’ U.S. I’ve been going through my thousands of images, pulling out the ones that I think are a good representation of my trip. I never knew how diverse and beautiful the landscape of France was until this trip. They have mountains, coast, enchanting cities, rolling hills […]

Bon soir! Well after twenty plus hours of traveling in planes, cars and walking, I finally made it to beautiful France! I wish there was more time to tell you all about the trip so far, but I can’t right now. Hopefully my schedule will slow down a little bit in the next few days. […]

 Here’s the post I promised about my trip to France! (I just can’t help but use exclamation points when I type “France”!!!) For those of you who have asked, here are the details. I’m leaving on Monday (the 26th), with my friend Jaclyn. We’ll be flying into Paris then taking a car to the Grenoble […]

   So my sister Olivia and I are thirteen months apart in age. And yes, for most of my life old ladies have been coming up to us and stating mind you, not asking, stating:    “awww you twins are so cute!” I being the oldest in this relationship was always very offended and ticked, […]