Lauren and I started as internet friends.  I was very happy when I found out that she lived fairly close to the area of Illinois that I often visit. We tried to get together a few times but it never seemed to work. Well I’m happy to say that I finally met Lauren, and have […]

Thank you to everyone for your support of me and my new website launch last week! If you haven’t been able to check it out do it now! I think I got all the glitches worked out but please let me know if you find one. I’ll stop talking now and get to why you’re […]

The morning started off with a beautiful mist, then the sun cut through the clouds with it’s pink hues, then the gentle rain started. It was hard to tell exactly what the weather was going to do, all we knew about this day was it was special, exciting, and Lord willing Gianna and Jason would […]

I would like to introduce Lieutenant and Mrs. Jason Sommerfeld! Married today. This wedding has my heart feeling so full. Be sure to watch for more images coming soon!

Can’t believe I’m actually announcing this today! It’s been a long time coming, and I’m so happy to have it finished. Thank you to my clients, friends, and blog readers who have been so supportive of me and my business. I literally wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you. Now, please, if you […]

You read that right, giveaway number four! And this one is sweet! It’s the grand finale giveaway in celebration of the new website launch happening tomorrow! The grand finale prize is…. A $25 gift card to H&M! Can’t afford to not enter this one folks! Here’s how to enter this giveaway.  You can have up […]

I hope you’ve been able to enter the last two giveaways of this week! But if not now’s the time to jump in! My new website is launching this Friday and to show my excitement I’m giving away lots of cool stuff to you guys! The third prize of this exciting week is…. A beautiful […]

It’s new website launch week, people! From time to time it’s good for photographers to ‘re-brand’ themselves. Freshen things up, refocus, and add new features to make our online experience more pleasant for our clients. So that’s what I’m doing this week! I can hardly wait for you all to check out the new site […]

This is an exciting week folks! One I’ve been looking forward to for awhile. It’s new website launch week! And to kick things off right we’re going to be giving away lots of cool stuff! Who doesn’t like giveaways, right?! The first prize of this exciting week is…. 4 of these adorable especially-designed-one-of-a-kind-can-only-get-them-here-note cards  from […]

Hey guys! Thought I’d do something different today. I don’t know about you, but as a photographer I always enjoy seeing how others in my field do things. I believe you can learn something from everyone, big or small. So I thought it might be fun to share a few things that I’m really liking […]