About this time every year, millions of Northerners start dreaming of sand beaches and varying shades of blue water.
They start making plans for spring break and some even go as far as to become “snowbirds”.
(Which are ranks I’m planning on joining someday, btw.)
I am not very unlike my fellow warm weather lovers, the only thing that’s different in my case is that
I start feeling like this in…oh, pretty much mid October.
That means by the time January and February roll around, I’m in an acute amount of “pain” and anticipation.
I have long, regularly recurring dreams about the ocean and sun.
But somehow I never actually get to touch the water or whenever I get to the beach the sun falls out of the sky or the waves dry up….sad, yes I know.
I’m curious, does anyone else have these dreams or am I the only one suffering up here?
So I was looking through my images and I came across my last trip to the south/ocean.
It was a super fun time traveling with some friends down to GA to shoot a wedding.

{Spanish Moss}
Definition: Tell tail sign you’ve reached the south.
These girls have {fun road trip} plastered all over their beautiful faces.

Yes….deep south.
I read it about three times, just to make sure before I pointed it out to the girls

I’ll admit it was a huge let down…oh well.
Made for good stories though.
After the crazy fun wedding, we drove a little deeper into the state and hung out in Savannah for the day.
I LOVE Savannah!
I seriously can’t wait to take a bride down there for a shoot someday!!

Vanessa, did a fab job as my assistant for the wedding that weekend!

They told me I had to take it and couldn’t be in the shot because I wasn’t wearing the conformist color of choice…Blue.
I wasn’t the only one enjoying our little excursion.
Ok, so besides me and my frustrating dream life, lots of cool plans have been coming together recently.
Due to many inquiries, which I am completely humbled by, it looks like I’ll be putting together some internship opportunities this year.
And (Lord willing) I’ll also be traveling a lot this year, so that means the internship and or “day with Evy”
might be coming right to you!
I’ll figure out a few more details and then write a post about what I’m thinking regarding this topic.
{Snowboarding last week}
I do have to admit I like the snow for boarding and the whole Christmas good cheer, sitting by the fire, drinking hot coffee etc…..there, I said it.
Now accepting southern/destination brides:)
*waving!! 😉
Those were fun times!!!
Ah yes! Warm, beautiful South!
That was great fun, I enjoyed that trip with you gals allot!
Loved all the pics!! Looks like some of you were having too much fun! 😉
I live in Texas, and I still get beach fever this time of year!
I just love the color! 😀
You do a beeautiful job sister.
Love this post Evy!
And yes, it is snowing and very cold here, and I would like to find my way to a beach sooner than later!
Excellent work again! 😉
L.o.v.e. this! 🙂
Good ole South baby! 🙂