Andrew, Andrew, Andrew… where do I even start? Andrew is one of my two favorite brothers in the world, and well, I like him a lot. He is one of the funniest people I know, he is kind, he’s loyal, and he’s very extremely athletic. {I’m athletic, but I wouldn’t say “very extremely”…so I’m jealous} […]
The entries are in and the voting is about to start! I am holding a {ONE Day Photography Workshop} in Indiana at the end of April and I needed a few more models, so I decided to turn it into a contest and give a free senior or engagement session away to someone. So here […]
I promised a contest, so here it is! I love contests! Loved them for as long as I can remember, most likely because I’m a pretty competitive person, {which has gotten me into trouble a few times, but that’s a different story}. Anyways, I believe the time has come for a little contest on this […]
Wow, a lot has happened since my last post about doing a photography workshop in Indiana! I’ve been so blessed by all the response and interest I’ve received. It was just something I thought would be helpful and fun and it’s turned into more than I thought it would! So here’s the deal, I’ve had […]
I am a wedding photographer first and foremost and over the course of my business I’ve tried to specialize in just that, but I have a confession. I love shooting senior portraits! When I first got into photography and made the leap from flowers and trees to people I started with senior portraits and I […]
Mrs. Scritsmier saw the senior shoot I did for Billy T. last year and decided she wanted me to do Will’s shoot this year. It was fun having awhile to look forward to it. So, one day I grabbed my faithful camera (Oliver), got one of my favorite assistant brothers, headed off to one of […]
Coming soon to a blog post near you. Here is a little sneak peek from yesterday’s senior shoot. I am forcing myself to just put up one. So hard. I am very happy with how the whole shoot turned out and I can’t wait to show you some more. Without further ado… I give you […]
Elizabeth and I met sometime last fall I think. My first impression was, “This is a cool person” so I was delighted when she contacted me about senior portraits! After coordinating schedules and her going through wisdom tooth removal, (can you imagine how cute she looked with chipmunk checks?:) we got together, had a blast, […]