Gen and Kevin: Wedding Teaser | Crystal Lake Michigan

Oh man, I am so excited to show you this teaser for one of our recent weddings my husband and I did video for!
Gen and Kevin had one of the most beautiful, sweet, incredible weddings I’ve ever seen!
This is just a teaser for the full trailer, and wedding video we did for them.

Schuler-Bishop Wedding Teaser from Tim Porter on Vimeo.
Think it looks like the coolest wedding ever? Well you’re right.

contact evy for clean, fresh, romantic photography

  1. Bekah says:

    That sealed it. If y'all would ever like to come to the Mississippi coast to shoot/video a wedding, I'd love to have ya! Might be a while, though. 🙂 You did a beautiful job!!

  2. Evangeline says:

    Ok, Bekah, just tell us when! 😉

  3. Summer says:

    Wow! this was was gorgeous! Beautiful job 🙂 Love the kiss and sunlight at the end 😉 *sigh*

  4. Phia says:

    No you rock, and you know it! ;]

  5. Beautiful! What kind of camera do you use for video?


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