Here’s the final installment of Em and Beto’s engagement shoot!
First Beto proposed
Then we shot engagement pictures downtown Kalamazoo.
After a yummy dinner with Em’s family we jumped in the car in search of the sunset.
Here’s what we found…

I just saw some decoration ideas Em has for the wedding and I’m getting more and more excited!

And look what I got in the mail. 🙂
contact evy for clean, fresh, romantic photography
Beautiful photos Evy! I absolutely love all the golden light!
Mmmm-MMMHH! =D
'anonymous' is me – Phia =)
I lo-ve the pictures! ~Phia
I love how you use the light! That's definitely your signature.. 🙂 I never get tired of it.
beautiful…love how you use the light as well. Em's serious look is stunning.
EVY!!!! Michigan is MY home state and I live 45 minutes form Kalamazoo!! I wish I could have met you while you were here! That must sound so wierd coming from someone you have never met. 😛 I feel like I know you, though, becuae I check both your blogs all them time! *sigh* Oh well, I will have to be content with looking at pictures. God bless!
Thanks, everybody!:) Victoria, I'll be up there again for their wedding, maybe we can work something out 🙂
Wow! these are all soooo beautiful but I have to say the one by the water is my fave 🙂
wow, this is the third post:) I am starting to feel really popular! They all look really beautiful!
whoa, these are gorgeous. that chilly-warm sunset light is my favorite stuff ever…you take such lovely photos!