Can’t believe I’m actually announcing this today! It’s been a long time coming, and I’m so happy to have it finished. Thank you to my clients, friends, and blog readers who have been so supportive of me and my business. I literally wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you. Now, please, if you […]

You read that right, giveaway number four! And this one is sweet! It’s the grand finale giveaway in celebration of the new website launch happening tomorrow! The grand finale prize is…. A $25 gift card to H&M! Can’t afford to not enter this one folks! Here’s how to enter this giveaway.  You can have up […]

I hope you’ve been able to enter the last two giveaways of this week! But if not now’s the time to jump in! My new website is launching this Friday and to show my excitement I’m giving away lots of cool stuff to you guys! The third prize of this exciting week is…. A beautiful […]

It’s new website launch week, people! From time to time it’s good for photographers to ‘re-brand’ themselves. Freshen things up, refocus, and add new features to make our online experience more pleasant for our clients. So that’s what I’m doing this week! I can hardly wait for you all to check out the new site […]

This is it folks! My last post on the this old blog! Because.. ‘my site is almost done, my site is almost done, I ho the dairy-o, my site is almost done!’ After years of knowing I needed a change, it’s finally coming! If all goes as planned we will be lunching the new design this week. […]