I was so happy when I heard Hannah wanted me to shoot her senior portraits!
She’s a lovely person inside and out and I knew we would have tons of fun.
Anyone that knows Hannah knows she has this charisma for life and it’s contagious.
She is a very passionate person but she’s not overwhelming, I’m always refreshed to be around her.
Hannah needed some “normal” senior portraits and some specific ones for her music competitions she’s in,
so we broke up the shoot into two different days.
Here’s the first day’s images.

I love shooting in “golden light” which is right before/during sunset.
The week of Hannah’s shoot was looking great, the day before was so beautiful and the light was perfect,
the day of, the sky was gorgeous and looking promising.
As soon as the evening came….so came the clouds.
I looked outside and my heart sank.
Yet again I would have cloudy pictures.
Don’t get me wrong, having an overcast day gives beautiful light and it’s a very desirable sky characteristic for photographers, but not for me, not today, I wanted sun.
I could see the sun but as we pulled up to the place we were going to shoot it disappeared behind a very large, dark, thick cloud and it didn’t seem to be coming out anytime soon.
Oh well, what can I do?
Nothing, if you’re wanting to stay with natural light.
We’d just work with what we got and have fun.
We’d just work with what we got and have fun.
So that’s what we did.

When I was setting up the last location it happened.

The sun broke out from under the clouds and shown it’s brilliant rays all over.
I was a happy girl.

The lighting for this shoot couldn’t have turned out better for what I was hoping for.
And I couldn’t have had a most awesome-er girl to shoot.
Bless you Hannah as you finish school and start on new adventures this coming year.
contact evy for clean, fresh, romantic photography
Oh wow, can I be as talented as you when I grow up? You did an AWESOME job shooting a GORGEOUS client. <3
These are so beautiful!!
Hannah is beautiful. The photos are lovely. :]
So grand!