Adam and Katie | Franklin Indiana Wedding Photographer

Franklin Indiana Photographer

You’re in for a very special wedding feature today. My firstborn niece, Katie married a wonderful guy named Adam. The wedding was held in her parent’s backyard, in front of a remodeled grain bin. Both Katie and her sister worked at a flower shop and spearheaded all the flower designs themselves. Katie loves joyful, bright colors and fashion, so Adam wore a classy green suit and of course, there were colorful flowers everywhere.

Katie’s dress was actually found (by myself) at an antique store years ago. With the help of some seamstresses, it was altered into something Katie loved. Many hands had a large or small part in helping the dress come together, it felt like a sweet team effort to get it finished. You can see some of Katie’s love for elegance, her fashion sense, and a little “Cinderella” coming out with her glove selection. Her dad just remodeled Katie’s childhood bedroom and it made the perfect backdrop for getting ready that day.

“Friends and family came together to make the vision come to life”

It’s a lot of work to host a wedding on your own property, but friends and family came together to make the vision come to life. The weather turned out gorgeous. There was a breeze the whole day that kept the temperature nice and the bugs away. Pizza is a top favorite food, and always a crowd-pleaser, so that was dinner.  A bunch of people brought delicious desserts and Grandma made a beautiful anglefood cake. The reception was a fun time with a few group games and an open mic. And the sunset did not disappoint. We got some gorgeous sunset pictures that I’ll love forever! I’ve been driving by a willow tree for years wishing I had a couple to shoot under it. It was right by Kaite’s house and she trusted her “crazy aunt” even though she hadn’t really noticed the tree before.

You’ll see a volleyball in some of the pictures. Adam and Katie love playing sports together and the ball was used in a “teamwork analogy” during their ceremony. I’m so happy to see my niece with a great guy. In the words of Katie, “Adam is the chill to my crazy” and Katie brings out even more fun in Adam. They complement each other so well and we’re happy to welcome Adam into the family.



Franklin-Indiana-Photographer-Photo Franklin-Indiana-Photographer-Photo-anglefood-cake

Franklin-Indiana-Photographer-Photo Franklin-Indiana-Photographer-Photo Franklin-Indiana-Photographer-Photo Franklin-Indiana-Photographer-Photo Franklin Indiana Photographer photos under a willow tree

contact evy for clean, fresh, romantic photography

  1. Mary Clites says:

    Absolutely stunning! Beautiful couple!


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