I was just looking through my hard drive and found a few pictures that make me happy.

{Gotta love kissing contests.}
Looking at these images bring back such good memories from a bunch of my weddings.
I love it when my clients are or become my friends and we can have fun together,
before, during and even after their wedding!

I wasn’t able to meet Christina before {her wedding} but afterwards we found out that we were going to be living in the same town as each other!
How random is that!?!
We decided to become walking buddies.
I was pregnant with our little person and we would talk about how everything was going and she would ask questions about the pregnancy.
We had been walking for quite a few weeks when she told me that she was also pregnant
(and had been the whole time)
but couldn’t tell me because the family didn’t know yet!
So not only were we walking buddies, now we were pregnant walking buddies and we always had a ton of things to talk about.

She has been a great friend and I’m so glad to have her in my life.

She has been a great friend and I’m so glad to have her in my life.

Here are two girls I met one day while playing Ultimate Frisbee, I ended up shooting Elizabeth’s senior portraits not long after, then a family session and eventually helping shoot both Kate and Elizabeth’s weddings.
Now Elizabeth has a beautiful baby boy and Kate is expecting like the week after me!
Whether we’re friends before the wedding or we get to know each other the day of,
one way or another I get to be with my old or new friends on the biggest day of their lives and capture it all for them.
I love it!
I love it!

I think my job is awesome!
I’m lovin’ looking through all your baby name votes!
In regards to a baby update…..there’s nothin’ I’m just waiting patiently for little person to show up.
I get butterflies in my stomach every time I walk by the white bassinet and I can’t believe it’s all real.
contact evy for clean, fresh, romantic photography
Ooohoohoohoo! Most enjoyable post. =)
Evy, your kissing contest photos are just adorable. How cute! 🙂
*Great Big Huge Happy Squeals* RE: the picture of Jason + Elizabeth + baby + Josh + Kate + baby!! What is it about seeing pictures of people you've never met…and…somehow you just feel some sort of connection with them?! Being a twin myself must be part of it…my sister and I would so totally love to meet them. 😀 Well, and you, too, Evy, if you're ever down this way!! Maybe to shoot/second shoot our weddings with Jessica Shae?? ::happy sigh:: This post makes me even more excited about LORD-willing starting up a real business this fall…. 🙂
Yes, Bekah Hope It is pretty fun to watch! I would love to meet you two, just let me know where you decide to get married 😉
Cool, I wish you all the best in starting up your own business!