February 8th was and has always been a significant day in my life.
For it is my BIRTHDAY!
Because I feel like all you blog readers are my friends I wanted to give away a party favor to you.
Here it is.
For it is my BIRTHDAY!
Because I feel like all you blog readers are my friends I wanted to give away a party favor to you.
Here it is.

An awesome vintage camera key chain with working flash and sound effects!

I tried to pick something that my male readers wouldn’t mind winning either.
And if no one enters I won’t be upset because that means I get to keep it myself.
Here are five ways to enter.
1.Post a link on your facebook status about the giveaway
2.Blog about the giveaway on your own blog and link back to this post
3.Comment on this blog post
4.Post a link about it on Google+
5. Tweet about the giveaway using @evy_renee
You can enter all five ways and up your chances of winning.
Leave a separate comment on this blog post telling me each way you entered so they will count.
The contest will be over Feb 13th, 12pm and the random winner will be announced shortly after that.
Only open to US blog readers, sorry.
Only open to US blog readers, sorry.
Let the contest begin!
I’m off to enjoy my free starbucks drink!
contact evy for clean, fresh, romantic photography
Say! Am I really gonna be the first to comment?
This is Stephen McDaniels.
Happy Birthday Evy! The keychain is super cute 🙂 Hope you get something extra delicious at Starbucks for your birthday!
Oh my word, that is adorable! And…happiest of birthdays to you! 🙂
Happy birthday!! 🙂 The keychain is so fun!! Enjoy your special Starbucks drink! 🙂
That's so cute!
Happy Birthday,I hope it's a good one! 🙂
I love the keychain! and am happy to share a birthday with you! 🙂
That's so cute! My sister has one similar to it =)
Why, a most "Happy BIRthdaaaayyy…wait, what? We're not singing 'Happy Birthday'?? Okeefenokee…then we will just sing the words 'Happy Birthday' separately , individually by themselves and not sing the song…precious." ;P That is what happened on the phone call this morning… =}
The key chain is too cute!
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
So cute! What a fun idea!
Cute!! Love it. (:
happy birthday, Evy! hope you have an awesome day. that is keychain is way cute.
happy birthday Evy!! This looks like one cool key chain! I want it!! 🙂
You know me… Cameras & Vintage Style = ME! =D Btw, happy birthday!
Happy Day After your Birthday! That is so sweet of you to give someone else a gift for your birthday:). That keychain is so cute!
Happy Birthday Evy! 🙂
The keychain is so cool! Certainly something every photographer would want 😉
A very Happy & Blessed birthday to you! I'm very excited about finally getting to meet you & yours! Soph tells me SO much about y'all! (And adorable Evin too) What a great keychain! …I honestly don't think this is fair… It's YOUR birthday and we should be giving YOU something, not the other way around! Lol! You seem very swee… <3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! love the key chain!
Hey! I'm late on saying Happy Birthday to you and Andrew. So Happy "belated" Birthday! 😛 (I bet it's easy keeping track of how many years older than Andy you are 😉
Anyways, I wish I could've given the B-Day wishes in person, but it's the thought that counts, right? 🙂
Hopefully I'll see y'all later! We're planning another trip to IL in the future! 🙂
Happy (late) Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Allison Bontrager
Happy birthday!
Allison Bontrager
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day! I love to read your blog! =)
I posted about your giveaway on my blog!
I shared on Facebook! It's SO cute! I hope your birthday was happy. 🙂
And I shared on google + 🙂
I tweeted it, too!!! 🙂